General Seminar Christmas Holiday Special!


Yes. It’s time to DO this.

Come out to General Seminar!

We’ll get together..have a few laughs..and unpack these WEB3 shenanigans.

This is General Seminar 14!

A discussion amongst us, the humble, the clever and the somewhat partially knowledgeable who are curious to discuss with the other of us about what the f**k this WEB3 thing is all about. Or even a little about.

Join me and extra special guest participant Patrick Tanguay in a discussion.

90 minutes. Limited to 16 participants. $20/seat.


We’ve cobbled together a bunch of optional pre-reading material for this General Seminar. It’s good stuff. It’s a lot of stuff. Santa got stuffed trying to bring this down the chimney, but it’s yours forever, including not one, not two, not three, but about six podcasts! There’s also some graphs and drawings in there. It’s all quite confusing and exciting and beautiful for it’s confusing excitability.

Come one!

Come all!

So long as you’re in the first 16 to sign up,

We’ll have ourselves a fugging ball!
